CSB2007 Conference
Tutorial Program

Atkinson Hall (Calit2 building)

MONDAY, August 13, 2007
7:00–8:30 AM Breakfast and On-site Registration
10:15–10:30 AM Snacks
AM1 Learning Combinatorial Regulation of Transcription Factors
Li Shen, University of California, San Diego
AM2 Molecular Visualization
Conrad Huang and Scooter Morris, University of California, San Francisco
AM3 Introduction to Molecular Biology for Computer Scientists
Suzanne Gollery, Sierra Nevada College
Martin Gollery, Active Motif
12:00–1:30 PM Lunch
3:15–3:30 PM Snacks
PM1 Probabalistic Modeling
Alexander Churbanov
PM2 Applications of Quantum Computing in Bioinformatics
Hongwei Huo, Xidian University
Vojislav Stojkovic, Morgan State University
PM3 Computational Problems in Maize Genomics
Scott Emrich, Iowa State University
PM4 Stem Cell Engineering
Sasha Bakhru and Stefan Zappe, Carnegie Mellon University
5:30 PM Opening Ceremony, Wine and Cheese Party - Open to all attendees

The CSB2007 Program Committee reserves the right to make scheduling changes at their discretion.