Quantitative Analysis of Membrane Protein Localization and Signaling
Peter M. Kasson, Johannes B. Huppa, Michelle Krogsgaard, Mark M. Davis, and Axel T. Brunger
Stanford University
Fluorescence microscopy of labeled proteins yields a wealth of data on cell signaling processes.
However, systems for quantitative analysis of such data have lagged behind the recent progress in
data acquisition technology. As cellular protein redistribution plays a key role in proximal
signaling and the establishment of cell polarity, this quantitative information is critical for
the understanding and modeling of many signaling networks. We have developed a robust and automated
system to analyze membrane protein redistribution based on four-dimensional datasets obtained via
fluorescence video microscopy. Our system provides methods for cell surface segmentation and
reconstruction, cell shape tracking, cell-surface parameterization, and cluster formation analysis.
These methods enable statistical analyses and the testing of mechanistic hypotheses regarding cell
signaling. Our system is novel both in its integration and in its surface-based approach, allowing
a model-free analysis of protein redistribution across the entire cell. We validate our system by
measuring receptor clustering in T lymphocytes undergoing activation, obtaining clustering velocities
consistent with the previously reported single-particle tracking data that serve as our reference
standard. We subsequently measure clustering of another lymphocyte signaling protein, observing a
different clustering profile that corresponds to its distinct biological function. Our methods
generalize to many different cell-signaling phenomena, allowing a quantitative measurement of these
cell membrane processes and offering the ability to empirically derive parameters for spatial
signaling network models.