An Efficient Algorithm for Unique Signature Discovery on Whole-Genome EST Databases
Hsiao Ping Lee, Tzu Fang Sheu, Ching Hua Shih and Chuan
Department of Computer Science, National Tsing-Hua University

ESTs are found to be an invaluable resource for the discovery of new genes, particularly those involved in human disease processes. Unique oligonucleotides can be thought of as signatures that distinguish an EST from all the others. An important application of those short signatures is to be used in PCR primer design and microarray experiments. In this research, we propose an efficient algorithm to extract unique signatures from the EST database. The secondary memory-based extension is also provided to handle the dataset of whole-genome scale. The key idea underlying our method is that if we can reduce the amount of candidates by identifying the non-signatures early, the efficiency of discovery will be improved. To efficiently achieve that, we convert the EST dataset to a directed graph with weighted edges and construct a frequency-based filter. The mechanisms separate the dissimilar oligonucleotides as early as possible and limit the costly string comparasons performing only on the potentially similar ones. In the experiments on human chromosome EST databases with a regular PC of limited resources, our approach is able to handle the largest human chromosome 1 EST database of 230M bases, and accomplishes the discovery in 55 hours. Furthermore, our method extracts all unique signatures from the EST dataset of 156M bases in one day. With respect to the most recent discovery algorithm, our method reduces the costly string comparasons by maximum 40 times over chromosome Y EST database. The improvements, either in dataset scale or discovery efficiency, are significant.

VirusFinder: A Web-based Virus Identification System Using Viral Nucleotide Signatures
Yan Ding (1), Hong Cao (1) and Shu Wen (2)
(1) Dept. of Bioinformatics, American Type Culture Collection, 10801 University Blvd., Manassas, Virginia 20110; (2) Dept. of Microecology, Dalian Medical University, Dalian 116027, China

A web-based information system for viral signature pattern recognition named VirusFinder has been developed using Hemorrhagic Fever viruses (HFVs) as testing viruses. HFVs are well known causative agents for a group of similar fatal diseases - Viral Hemorrhagic fever (VHF). Nucleotide signature-based detection has been proven to be a rapid and accurate pathogen identification approach in natural outbreaks or acts of bioterrorism. Species-specific nucleotide signatures of selective families of HFVs including arenaviruses, bunyaviruses, filoviruses, and flaviviruses have been identified by comparative genomic analysis using the Clustal X program. The unique nucleotide signatures for each individual species of HFVs were derived from the multiple sequence alignments using the consensus sequence as reference. The species-specific signatures were then saved into the local signature database after rigorous selection processes. Then VirusFinder integrated with intelligent viral signature recognition algorithm was implemented using J2EE (Java 2 Enterprise Edition) technology, as such, the species level differentiation and identification of HFVs would be automatically achieved given an input of unknown testing HFV nucleotide sequences. Results show that VirusFinder is able to identify HFVs at species level with 100% accuracy. VirusFinder is capable of identifying any registered viruses once their nucleotide signatures are obtained.

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Finding Cancer Biomarkers from Mass Spectrometry Data by Decision Lists
Jian Liu and Ming Li
School of Computer Science, University of Waterloo

Biomarkers are cellular, molecular or genetic alternation or patterns caused by the presence of specific diseases. Finding accurate biomarkers is key to early diagnosis of many otherwise incurable diseases. We study the problem of finding biomarkers for mass spectrometry (SELDI-TOF) spectra from cancerous and normal tissues. In contrast to the common practice of using vague methods, such as genetic algorithms, or un-interpretable (as biomarker) methods, such as SVM, we looked for a method that is simple, intuitive, interpretable, usable, and more accurate. We introduce decision-lists to this domain, where each decision list serves as a biomarker. By employing statistical tests, a small set of proteins can be used to discover biomarkers. As multiple biomarkers could exist for cancers, we extend a k-decision list to a (k,l)- decision list by allowing l alternative monomials at each node (H_i), provided that all alternative monomials at each node are equivalent in the sense that they give the same classification for the training examples. It can be proven that (k,l)-decision lists are pac-learnable. This method can be generalized to perform multi-classification. Our experiments on clinical cancer datasets show decision lists give more accurate results than other methods, such as SVM and decision tree classifiers. More interestingly, the resulting decision lists are more interpretable, for possible causal relationship between cancer and differentially expressed proteins, and directly usable in clinical biomarker design.

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Incremental and Decremental Least Squares Support Vector Machine and Its Application to Drug Design
Hyunsoo Kim (1) and Haesun Park (1,2)
(1) Dept. of Computer Science and Engineering, University of Minnesota; (2) The National Science Foundation, Arlington, VA

The kernel discriminant analysis (KDA) and least squares support vector machine (LS-SVM) have shown to exhibit excellent classification performance in many applications. Recently, an incremental and decremental nonlinear discriminant analysis based on kernel functions and minimum squared error formulation has been introduced. In this paper, we propose an incremental and decremental LS- SVM based on QR decomposition updating and downdating. It can efficiently compute the updated solution when data points are appended or removed using a linear system instead of an underdetermined system. An efficient algorithm to compute leave-one-out cross validation using the decremental LS-SVM is described as well. The experiment results illustrated that the proposed incremental algorithm efficiently produces the same solutions as those obtained by LS-SVM which recomputes the solution all over even for small changes in the data. For drug design, the results of each biochemistry laboratory test on a new compound can be iteratively included in the training set. This procedure can further improve precision in order to select the next best predicted organic compound. Instead of retraining entire data points, it is much efficient to update solution by incremental LS-SVM.

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A Prediction Model for the Drug Efficacy of Interferon in CHC Patients Based on SNPs
Eugene Lin, Dennis Chen, Yuchi Hwang, Ashely Chang, and Z. John Gu
Vita Genomics, Inc.

In the studies of pharmacogenomics, genetic predisposition information, such as single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs), can be used to understand the relationship between genetic variations (or population variations) and drug efficacy. In this paper, a prediction model is resulted from analyzing chronic hepatitis C (CHC) patient's SNPs, comparing to control groups, to predict the responsiveness of interferon (IFN) combination treatment. We have developed an advanced methodology with the combination of artificial neural network (ANN) and other algorithms to achieve a prediction with high accuracy among the patients. Filtering through thousands of SNPs of 150 genes, we found nearly 30 SNPs relevant to responsiveness of IFN. With a statistical analysis of sensitivity (SEN), specificity (SPE), positive prediction value (PPV), and negative prediction value (NPV), our model achieves a higher successful rate of prediction, i.e., > 90% accuracy. This model allows patients and doctors to make more informed decisions based on SNP genotyping data. The data was generated in the high-throughput genomics lab of Vita Genomics, Inc.

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RNA Motif Search Using the Structure to String (STR2) Method
Oriel Bergig, Danny Barash, and Klara Kedem
Department of Computer Science, Ben-Gurion University

We present a novel approach for searching RNA motif structure in long genomes. Aside of the traditional sequence-based search methods such as BLAST and FASTA, there is a growing interest in detecting specific RNA secondary structure domains by using effective structure-based search methods such as the RNAMotif. Towards this end, we devise a new algorithm with ideas taken from computational geometry. The method, called Structure to String (STR2), was initially developed to detect structural motifs in the tertiary structure of proteins. It converts an RNA secondary structure into a shape representing string of characters that capture the various structural motifs. To transform an RNA secondary structure to a string of characters, we adopt an approach used in proteomics for generating a collection of fragments. We identify a library of fragments for use in RNA secondary structure where each fragment is represented by a character. A unique feature of our method is that the fragments represent the geometry of the transitions between the secondary structure elements, such as the curve of the transition between stems and loops. Consequently, we represent the secondary structures of the query and target sequences by their corresponding character string representation and seek shape similarities by applying string matching algorithms. For the RNA folding prediction we use mfold. The method is implemented efficiently using suffix trees and other economization procedures. We show examples of its applicability on aptamer domains that are functionally important and are well predicted by mfold before the conversion to strings.

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PRUNER: Algorithms for Finding Monad Patterns in DNA Sequences
Ravi VijayaSatya and Amar Mukherjee
University of Central Florida

We present new algorithms for discovering monad patterns in DNA sequences. Monad patterns are of the form (l,d)-k, where l is the length of the pattern, d is the maximum number of mismatches allowed, and k is the minimum number of times the pattern is repeated in the given sample. The time-complexity of some of the best known algorithms to date is O(nt^2(4l)^d), where t is the number of input sequences, and n is the length of each input sequence. The first algorithm that we present takes O((nt)^2(4l)^(d/2)) and space O(nt(4l)^(d/2)), and the second algorithm takes O ((nt)^3(4l)^d/2) time using O((4l)^(d/2)) space. Our algorithms are based on the WINNOWER algorithm. Each l-gram in the input sequence is represented by a vertex in a graph. An edge is added between two vertices if the graph if the l-grams corresponding to the vertices mismatch in at most 2d positions. Both the algorithms we present search all the patterns that mismatch in at most d positions with both the l-grams that are connected by each edge. The first algorithm processes all the incident on a vertex at a time, there by reducing the number of comparisons needed, but increasing the memory requirements, where as the second algorithm processes each edge separately, requiring lesser memory but more computations. The algorithms were tested on generated samples, and the second algorithm was found to be fast even for large values of l and d, as long as the d/l ratio is small.

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CUBIC: A Program for Binding Sites Prediction
Victor Olman, Jizhu Lu, PhuongAn Dam, Zhengchang Su, and Ying Xu
Dept. of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Univ. of Georgia, and Inst. of Computational Biology, Oak Ridge National Laboratory; Dept. of Computer Science and Engineering, Univ. of California, Riverside

The regulation of gene transcription is achieved through specific interactions between transcription factors and their binding sites in the upstream region of the gene being regulated. Correct Identification of these binding sites represents a key challenging problem in computational biology. Our approach to the problem is to find a "clear" cluster in the space of all k-mers from the upstream regulatory regions of a set of genes that potentially share similar binding sites. The cluster identification is achieved by using Minimal Spanning Tree technique with a special distance defined among k-mers based on the profile of frequencies in positions. The higher "conservation" of profile the better results for cluster identification. It has been shown that the widely used "conservation" characteristics in positions is a result of a "common sense" requirement for "conservation." We presented an iterative algorithm for finding the most "conserved" profile formed by at least M out of N given upstream regions, and proved that the algorithm converges in a finite number of steps. We also developed a model for evaluation of statistical significance of the results by extrapolating the idea of checking the existence of clusters for hypothetical 1-dimensional uniform distribution into the space of k-mers. We have implemented the algorithm as a software called CUBIC and tested it on a number of binding site finding tasks, and the results are highly promising.

Acknowledgement: DOE office of Biological/Environmental Research, Genome to Life Project, "Carbon Sequestration in Synechococcus sp.: From Molecular Machines to Hierarchical Modeling."

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BioSPRINT: Classification of Intron and Exon Sequences Using the SPRINT Algorithm
Kevin Crosby and Paula Gabbert
Furman University

This paper focuses on classifying sequences of DNA as either an intron or an exon. Insights from this classification can reduce the time needed for laboratory work which distinguishes between introns and exons. Using a classification tree based on the SPRINT algorithm, sequences from the Drosophila melanogaster and the Caenorhabditis elegans genomes were used for training and testing. There is an inherent gap between the sequence patterns of DNA and the numerical data needed for classification. This research focused on finding a bridge for this gap by developing software which analyzes the sequences of DNA to create training sets for classification. Certain characteristics of the sequences were quantitatively analyzed to produce features upon which to base classification. The results of the classification algorithm were varied. A large test sample error rate of 15% was shown for the Drosophila melanogaster, whereas the rate for Caenorhabditis elegans was only 1.6%. The tree created for the C. elegans consisted of twelve splits of the dataset resulting in thirteen terminal nodes which were nearly pure. This shows that the research done can be a dependable indicator of intron or exon for sequences of DNA from the Caenorhabditis elegans genome. However, the Drosophila melanogaster results are not quite as reliable. This tree was highly branched, and the terminal nodes were more homogeneous than those in the tree of the C. elegans. Future work in the area of intron and exon classification includes exploring additional techniques for extracting classification attributes from DNA sequences to improve classification.

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A Hidden Markov Model for Gene Function Prediction from Sequential Expression Data
Xutao Deng and Hesham Ali
College of Information Science and Technology, Peter Kiewit Institute, University of Nebraska at Omaha

The prediction of function classes of unannotated genes or Open Reading Frames (ORFs) is important for understanding the function role of genes and gene networks. Existing data mining tools, such as Support Vector Machines (SVMs) and K-Nearest Neighbors (KNNs), can only achieve about 30% sensitivity. Hidden Markov Models (HMMs) have shown great successes in modeling noisy sequential data sets in the area of speech recognition and protein sequence profiling. Association test results showed significant Markov dependency in time-series expression data, and therefore that HMMs would be especially appropriate for modeling gene expressions. In this project, we developed a gene function prediction tool based on profile HMMs. Each function class is associated with a distinct HMM whose parameters are trained using yeast time-series gene expression data. The function annotations of the HMM training set were obtained from Munich Information Centre for Protein Sequences (MIPS) data base. We designed several structural variants of HMMs (single, double-split and triple split) and tested each of them on forty function classes which include more than one hundred instances. The highest prediction specificity we achieved was 51% by using double-split HMM with n-fold cross-validation. We also attempted to generalize HMMs to Dynamic Bayesian Networks (DBNs) for gene function prediction using heterogeneous data sets.

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Using Enhancing Signals to Improve Specificity of Ab Initio Splice Site Sensors
Alexandre Tchourbanov, Hesham H. Ali, and Jitender Deogun
University of Nebraska at Omaha

Ab initio gene annotation methods is the only way to find splice sites in the absense of homologs. We describe a new approach to improve the precision of ab initio splice site annotation in human genes. The problem is known to be extremely challenging since the human splice signals are highly indistinct and frequent cryptic sites confuse signal sensors. There is a strong evidence that Exonic Splicing Enhancers (ESE) and Exonic Splicing Silencers (ESS) influence commitment to splicing at early stages. We propose the use of a Naive Bayesian Network (BN) combined with Boltzmann machine splice sensor, to improve the specificity of splice site prediction. The SpliceScan program is implemented to demonstrate feasibility of sensitivity enhancement based on ESE/ESS signals interactions. SpliceScan performs favorably compared to GeneSplicer, NNSplice and SpliceView. The designed method is of particular value for ab initio gene annotation methods.

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SPVS: A Similar Parikh Vector Searching Algorithm for Protein Sequence Analysis
Xiaolu Huang and Hesham Ali
University of Nebraska at Omaha

It has been shown that in some protein sequences, when two regions share similar amino acid composition, they also share the same structure even when the order of the amino acids is not preserved and is not strictly contiguous. In several applications, such as in the identification of tumor marker ligand through in vivo phage display peptides, order flexibility is preferred in the identification process. Traditional protein sequence analysis tools, such as PSI-BLAST, are sequence order sensitive. In this study, a more flexible protein sequence comparison algorithm, Similar Parikh Vector Searching (SPVS) algorithm is designed to detect similar amino acid composition in a sequence while allowing flexibility in the sequence order. Given an ordered alphabet A of finite k elements, with redundant elements permissible, a Parikh vector of a word w on the alphabet A is the integer vector v = (n1, n2,, , ni,, nk) where ni is the number of occurrences of the ith letter of A in w. In SPVS, a peptide sequence is broken into a group of Parikh vectors of a predefined word size. SPVS searches for similar Parikh vectors between two sequences with some predefined tolerance level. Then for each pair of similar Parikh vectors, the algorithm assigns an Order Score (OS) that measures the difference in order between the two sequences. The preliminary test has shown that SPVS is capable of detecting shuffled or reversed protein sequence regions that share same biological structure between two protein sequences.

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A Liner-Time Algorithm for Locating All Tandem Repeat
Don Adjeroh and Feng Jianan
West Virginia University

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