Conference Site and Accomodations
Locations of Conference Activities
Registration - Lobby of the Education Building
Tutorials - Third floor classrooms in the Education Building; rooms will be announced at the Registration Desk
Presentations - Cubberley Auditorium, first floor of the Education Building, directly at the rear of the lobby
Poster sessions - Lobby of the Education Building
Lunch - Dohrmann Grove, located next to the Art Gallery
Coffee Breaks - Lobby of the Education Building
Monday Evening Networking Mixer - Dohrmann Grove from 5 PM to 8 PM. Bring a sweater or light jacket since it may become cool in the evening.
Conference Parking
Free conference parking is located in Galvez Field.
From Galvez Street From El Camino, drive to the intersection of Galvez and Campus Drive East. Take a sharp right turn (turn Northeast)
onto Campus Drive east. You will see a grove of trees towards your right and signs for CSB set by the entrance. This is Galvez Field.
Walking Directions to the Education Building - (The walk from Galvez Field to the Education Building is long. Please wear comfortable shoes.)
Retrace your path back to Galvez Street and continue in a southernly direction (towards Hoover Tower - the only tall building on campus). Turn right at
Serra Mall. Continue on Serra Mall until you see a circular fountain set in the middle of the street. Take the first left after the fountain. This
is Lasuen Mall. Dohrmann Grove is the grove of trees on the intersection of Serra and Lasuen. Note the location since the mixer and lunches are served
here. Continue on Lasuen Mall until you see the signage for the conference. It will be the third building on your left.

Click on map to see details (Google maps).

Maps and directions to the campus
Stanford visitor information
Stanford Student Housing
Information about Stanford Student Housing is available from
Stanford Conference Services.
We have made special arrangements for our conference attendees at the following hotels. Please check again for
updated information as we continue to negotiate for special rates with other local area hotels.
>> 1. Cardinal Hotel
235 Hamilton Avenue
Palo Alto, CA 94301
Phone 650-323-5101
Information about the accomodations and the location of the hotel can be found on the hotel website:
Standard rooms with private bath: $99.00 + tax per night
European style rooms (shared hallway bath): $69.00 + tax per night
The CSB2010 rates apply to arrival on August 15 for (3) nights, checking out August 18; a shoulder of (2) nights on either side
is available if attendees require any flexibility in their booking.
Reservations for CSB2010 attendees can be made at: http://book.cardinalhotel.com/csb
The allotment of CSB2010 rooms will be held until July 15, 2010. After this date, rooms will be booked upon availability up until the
24 hour cancellation policy: Please call by 6:00pm the day prior to arrival if you need to make any changes or cancel to avoid a 1 night non-refundable room + tax charge
>> 2. Stanford Terrace Inn
531 Stanford Ave, Palo Alto, CA 94306
Tel: 650-857-0333
Res: 1-800-729-0332
Fax: 650-857-0343
Email: reservations@stanfordterraceinn.com
Information about the accomodations and location is available on the hotel website:
$129 single and $139 double + tax per night
Reservations for CSB2010 attendees can be made by phone or on the hotel website:
When making reservations by phone, refer to the group "CSB." For online reservations, provide the group number "1430."
Rooms must be reserved by July 14, 2010. After July 14, reservations are on a "room available" basis only.
Individual reservations cancelled within 72 hours of the arrival date are subject to a 1 nights room + tax penalty.
All cancellations must be made by phone before 72 hours of reservation date (1-800-729-0332); obtain a cancellation number to ensure your credit card is not billed.