Life Sciences Society
About LSS
This is one of the most exciting periods in the history of Life Sciences. The pace of discoveries is being stepped up
across all the life sciences fields. To achieve this rate of discoveries, it was necessary for scientists to use the same
molecular tools and learn to speak the same scientific language: biochemists, cell biologists, developmental biologists,
geneticists, medical researchers, immunologists, microbiologists, molecular biologists, bioinformaticians, mathematicians,
physicists, neurobiologists, clinical researchers, medical informaticians, computer scientists, engineers, pharmacologists
and more. To increase the future rate of discoveries it will be necessary to address the large gaps in knowledge, technology,
computational algorithms and high performance computing, data capture and analysis, and systems-level integration.
Achieving a whole systems understanding of life is one of the most daunting challenges in the history of science. The
Life Sciences Society was initiated in January, 2005 to capture and promote the excitement that this generation of scientists
is experiencing -- the opportunity to provide a scientific foundation for solving urgent problems in human diseases, energy
and global climate changes. The LSS's objective is to provide for the exchange of scientific knowledge in all areas of life
sciences. It does this through the scholarly dissemination of research at its Annual Meeting in August and in its various
workshops and publications.
LSS has collaborated with scientific organizations to bring a stronger voice in communicating the significance
of the life sciences to the larger scientific community. We have been in contact with Congressional committees to keep them informed
about the importance of scientific research. LSS keeps the life sciences community informed on government science policies and
provides guidance for standards.
The LSS brings together fields that were once considered disparate, thus supporting the next generation of scientists that
are defining entirely new ways of doing science and engineering.
Vicky Markstein, President
Woodside, California